Film 1. Judo techniques. Section Nage-waz/ Te - waza.
According to the classification of the Kodokan Institute, all techniques (68 techniques) are divided into 5 sections. This film presents judo techniques, conducted mainly by hand. Section te-waz (16 techniques). Due to a restriction in the rules of judo, some techniques are now prohibited in competitions. But this limitation does not interfere with the study of judo techniques in full. All throws are demonstrated by Japanese specialists from the Kodokan Institute. You will see the execution of the throw to the right and to the left. In realtime and slow motion. The film will be useful to all specialists, coaches, athletes and judo amateurs.
Te-waza (16 techniques)
1 Seoi-nage
2 Ippon-seoi-nage
3 Seoi-otoshi
4 Tai-otoshi
5 Kata-guruma
6 Sukui-nage
7 Obi-otoshi
8 Uki-otoshi
9 Sumi-otoshi
10 Yama-arashi
11 Obi-tori-gaeshi
12 Morote-gari
13 Kuchiki-taoshi
14 Kibisu-gaeshi
15 Uchi-mata-sukashi
16 Ko-uchi-gaeshi