Download. Judo. K. Kashivazaki. Technology of fight lying. NE-WAZA. Movie 5.


Seminar on judo for trainers, athletes, experts.

In 2009, Kashivazaki held a seminar in Russia in the city of St. Petersburg. This is the fifth part of the seminar. The seminar ends with this film. The main theme of this part is the ground fighting technique. In Japanese terminology, this is newaza. You will see several roll overs in ground fighting. Kashivazaki will explain and show from which positions the sankaku roll over is performed. At the end of the film, Kashivazaki talks about how he began to train, what difficulties he faced, how he managed to enter the world stage, how he had to change his personal technique as a result of several injuries. The film will be useful for coaches working with children, for athletes and amateurs studying judo.

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53 min.
English subtitlings. Russia.Japanese.
Release year
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MPEG Video File
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Kallista Film.
Judo Seminar.
2.2 GB
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